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This User Guide will explain everything you need to know, before starting with our WooCommerce plugin

Jessica Risch avatar
Written by Jessica Risch
Updated over a week ago

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What is is a large online retailer in the Netherlands and Belgium. Aside from selling their own products to customers, they have also opened up their webshop for other online retailers. In other words, is a marketplace.

At the moment has over 45,000 sellers on its platform and a revenue of 2,8 billion euro. With that, is one of the biggest online retailers in the Benelux.

Before you start: create a retailer account

To be able to start with selling on, you will first need to sign up for a retailer account. You can sign up for free via the website of

It can take up to 5 business days, before you will receive a letter via post with a verification code. You should fill in that verification code, to complete your account registration. After this, you can immediately start selling via the marketplace.

Authorization & License client ID and client secret

Before you can start pushing products to the marketplace, you should connect the WooCommerce plugin with your seller account. There you will notice the plugin is asking for a client ID and client secret. You can find the client ID and client secret in your retailer account.

  • Click on your company name right above and select Settings in the dropdown menu

  • Scroll down to Services in the left menu

  • Click API settings

  • Scroll down to Client credentials for the Retailer API

  • Click the Create button to create a new client ID and client secret

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard

  • Go to > Settings > Account

  • Fill in the client ID and client secret by copying it from your settings page

  • Click the button Click to authorize

  • The status should change to Authorized in green

Woosa license key

As with all our software, usage of our plugins requires an active Woosa license key. Follow our Getting Started article activating your Woosa license key to make sure your license key is activated before you start any processes with our plugins.

General settings

Format of the address

In the past we have experienced different address formats, which broke to connection between WooCommerce and Therefore you can now configure the preferred address format, to prevent any issues from happening.

The most common option is for this setting is Hillside Avenue 123AB.

Low stock threshold

In the inventory settings of WooCommerce, via WooCommerce > Products > Inventory you can configure a Low stock threshold. By enabling this checkbox in the settings of our WooCommerce plugin, it will take into account his low stock threshold.

The low stock threshold has the same functionality as the Preserve Stock Offset. Since a lot of our customers sell their products through a dropshipping supplier or via multiple marketplaces aside from their own online store, it can happen that a product now has a stock of 2 and within minutes is out of stock.

The low stock threshold removes the product from, when the stock reaches that amount. In this way you prevent selling products that are already out of stock and you won’t get any strikes for it from

Disable customer order notification

In case of, the customer is ordering from their online store. This means itself will send a confirmation of the order and when the order is shipped a confirmation of the Track & Trace code.

Even though we don’t have access to the actual email address of the customer, our system can still email the customer via a tokenized email address. This is mainly applicable if it’s important for your customer to receive an invoice of the order, which itself will not provide.

This option is a multi-select, so you can choose to disable it only for a WooCommerce order with the status Processing, Completed or both.

Show shipping status

In this case we’re not talking about the shipping status, meaning a Track & Trace code. We only mean the shipping status, once you have marked to order as shipped to

Our plugin will show with statuses like: processing, error or completed if the shipment is correctly received by Once completed, the status can’t change anymore.

Basically it is a confirmation that the technical integration is working properly, but it has nothing to do with the actual shipment to the customer.

General product settings

Internal reference source

When publishing a product to, you can add an internal reference to the product in This is not visible for customers or competitors, but only for you. If you have the internal reference already stored in WooCommerce, it would be perfect if we just can connect those fields. Well, luckily with this setting we can!

  • Default
    With the default option it will take the WooCommerce post ID of the product as an internal reference on

  • Product SKU
    In this case it will take the product SKU in the inventory tab of the WooCommerce product, as an internal reference on the product at

  • Product custom field
    Last but not least, you can set up a custom field in the WooCommerce product to use as an internal reference on If you choose this option, another input field will appear where you need to add the slug of that custom field.

EAN code source

To be able to publish a new or existing product to, you’ll need an EAN code. EAN stands for European Article Number, which is the number below the barcode on a product.

The most important reason why the EAN code is mandatory for, is because based on this they can identify the product and show the correct content. With content I mean images, description, attributes and so on.

This also means if there are multiple sellers for a particular EAN code on, the seller name will be added to the existing product page. In this way doesn’t have duplicate product pages.

That having said, it would be wonderful if the EAN code is already stored in WooCommerce. Than we only need to connect the correct WooCommerce field again to retrieve it and send it to

Fulfilment method

The fulfilment method is the way orders are shipped to the customer.

  • Retailer
    How will orders be fulfilled to customers? Will you – as a webshop owner – take care of that process? Than you should configure this setting as Retailer.

    Are you making use of LVB (Delivery by Than your products are also stored in a distribution center of and they will take care of sending the order to your customer. In this case you should configure this setting as

General shipping settings

If you’re not making use of the automatic Shipping Connector within the WooCommerce plugin, you will need to mark orders manually as shipped within WooCommerce. The Shipping Settings has no functionality behind it, it is only used to predefine some choices and smooth the manual process.

Delivery options

Use the options
In this case one of the shipping labels will be preselected. Choosing a shipping label, will result in creating a shipping label and Track & Trace code. No further action from your side, will be needed.

Use my transporter
In this case your own transporter will be preselected and you will be able to fill in a Track & Trace code yourself. Are you using PostNL, MyParcel, Parcel Pro or Shops United? We can automate this process also for you.

My transporter

When you choose Use my transporter you can also preselect which transporter you’re using most often. In this way the manually process of marking orders as shipped, will safe you some extra “scrolling-time”.

General account settings

Account label

Our WooCommerce plugin enables you to connect multiple accounts, with one WooCommerce webshop. To keep the accounts apart, you can fill in an account label to identify both accounts.

This functionality is often used by sellers who have a seperate Dutch and Belgium account. In this case you can label the accounts as “ NL” and “ BE”.

Enable or disable functionalities

Publish products

Even though this is the core feature of our plugin, some people only want to use our plugin for handling orders. In this case it might be smart to configure the Publish products setting with “no”, to be sure no mistakes can be made.

Import orders

If you would like to handle orders from within WooCommerce, we suggest to configure this setting with “yes”. If you would like to handle orders from the seller account, it might be smarter to configure it as “no”. No matter which setting you’re choosing, the stock level will always be synchronised from to WooCommerce and the other way around.

Besides this option has 2 more checkboxes:

  • Include LVB orders
    They will be imported with the WooCommerce order status completed and are useful for reference if a customer calls with a question. Aside from that no stock will be deducted from your WooCommerce product and you can’t handle anything with regards to order statuses for these type of orders.

  • Include completed & cancelled orders
    Enable this setting if you would like to synchronise your order status not only from WooCommerce to, but also from to WooCommerce.

Import invoices

We’re talking about the invoices here, which you’ll receive every 1st of the month from itself. It has nothing to do with invoices sent to your customers.

Import returns

Unfortunately after a sale you can also have a return. If you import the returns in WooCommerce, you can handle them also from WooCommerce (e.g. when a client returns a product with reason “different than expected” you can mark that return with that reason after receiving the return). The stock level will also be updated based on returns.

Import commission reductions

For some product categories offers a commission reduction, based on the selling price. You can choose to show these potential commission reductions in the product overview of WooCommerce, so that you know which products qualify for the commission reduction. It can save you a lot of money.

Display order commission

If this setting is configured with “yes”, you will see the commission of charged on every order in WooCommerce. This will not be visible for your customers.

Exclude order tax

Do you want a fair insight in your profits? Than you might want to exclude the order tax.

Automatic price update

Normally when you change a price in a WooCommerce product, which has the status “Published” it will automatically be pushed to However, there are cases you might not want this automatic synchronisation for prices. In that case, we suggest you to configure this setting with “no”.

Prices rules for

You might want to add margin or shipping costs to your regular price, before publishing the product on Luckily our plugin has multiple ways to do this.

  • Use WooCommerce price
    When enabling the option “Use WooCommerce price” a field appears. This field can be used to add a margin on top of your WooCommerce price. In case of a percentage margin you can say “10%” and in case of a fixed amount margin you can use “10”. In both cases either 10 percent or 10 euros will be added on top of your WooCommerce price.

  • Use bundle prices also offers the possibility to add a discount if a higher volume of products is purchased (e.g. 25 envelopes will give a discount of 5%, 50 envelopes will give a discount of 10% etcetera).

  • Shipping costs
    Last but not least, obliges you to offer free shipping. This doesn’t mean you don’t have shipping costs. Therefore you can add your shipping costs before publishing the product to The sale price on will than be your WooCommerce price + shipping costs = a total amount.

The WooCommerce plugin for uses by default the regular price in a WooCommerce product, unless the sale price is filled in. In case the sale price is filled in, it will use the sale price.

Delivery time applies strict guidelines when it comes to delivery time. If your promise is delivery within 1 business day, they expect you to meet and live up to that promise. If anything goes wrong during the process of shipment and a delay occurs, it can happen that you will receive a strike from

Therefore you should make sure that the delivery time is something you can live up to. Luckily you can adjust the delivery time per seller account (e.g. Dutch and Belgium account) but also per individual product if necessary.

Tax country

Last but not least, within the general account settings you can configure the tax country. It speaks for itself: selling in the Netherlands use the Netherlands, selling in Belgium use Belgium.

Product actions

Publish a product

To enable to synchronisation between WooCommerce and for a product, you must publish the product from WooCommerce to You can do this by following the steps below:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard

  2. Go to the Products in the left side menu of WordPress

  3. Select the product you would like to synchronise with

  4. Go to bulk actions and choose publish

  5. At first the product status in the column will be Processing… after approximately 5 minutes it will change either in Published or Error.

If the product shows error in the column, you will need to fix something first. To see the entire error message Click on the product > Scroll down to Product data > Click the tab > Click the account the error appears. Consult our list of errors to see which error you have and how to solve it.

Already selling products on
Our plugin will recognise these products through the EAN code and will connect the WooCommerce product to it. Besides it will make WooCommerce leading, which means product information like price, stock level, delivery time etc. will be updated on

Update a product

The following parameters are automatically updated after you have changed them in the individual WooCommerce product and tab:

If an automatic update failed, you can also run the update automatically for those particular products by choosing one of the bulk actions below.

Update price

The price of the WooCommerce product changed and you want to update that price also on

Update stock

The stock level of the WooCommerce product changed and you want to update that stock level also on

Update fulfilment method & delivery time

The fulfilment method or delivery time of the WooCommerce product changed and you want to update those also on

These manual update actions will be applicable always, when you submitted a change via the general settings of the WooCommerce plugin. In this case a manual update action per product is mandatory.

Other product actions

Aside from the available product actions above, there are some other – less common – actions available.


Temporarily pause a product for selling on The product will still be available in your WooCommerce store.


Push a paused product on back online for selling.


This bulk action is mainly used when a product is stuck in a certain status, for example Processing…. With the reset action you can reset all processes in progress at that moment and the status will jump back to Not published.

Exclude account

This product action is mainly applicable when you have multiple seller accounts connected to one WooCommerce store.

Upload content

This action is only used when you want to upload content, such as: images, title, description, attributes of an existing product/EAN code from WooCommerce to We explain here how this bulk action works.

Override general settings per product

The general settings you have configured, might not be applicable on all products. Therefore you can override individual products and parameters, from within the WooCommerce product. Go to WooCommerce > Products > Click on a product > Scroll down to the Product data section > Click the tab. If nothing is checked in the individual product and tab, it will use the general settings instead.


General tab

Selling products in different conditions? For example new and refurbished products? You can adjust the condition of that particular product here.

Fulfilment method

General tab

It might be that some products are shipped by via LVB. In that case you can change the setting within the WooCommerce product to “”.

Exclude account? tab

You can exclude an account entirely for a product, so that it won’t get published or synchronised. This is mainly applicable when you have multiple accounts.

Manage price? tab

Adjust the selling price to by enabling this checkbox. A field will appear where you can add the actual price you would like to sell for.

Manage bundle prices? tab

Adjust the bundle prices to by enabling this checkbox. Multiple fields will appear where you can add the actual bundle discounts you would like to offer for this particular product.

Manage shipping costs? tab

Enable this checkbox if the shipping cost for this product is higher or lower compared to most of your products. For example when this product is a parcel instead of a mailbox package, it will be probably more expensive to ship.

Delivery time? tab

Enable this checkbox and choose the accurate delivery time for this particular product.

In the general tab you will also see the parameter EAN code and Internal reference. These can’t be overridden per individual product. Only if the general EAN code source and Internal reference are set to default, they can be adjusted on individual product level in this general tab.

Synchronise content to

I want to add a new product and/or EAN code to

It can happen that the product you are planning to sell on, is not yet available on This means you should add the product yourself with all the related content, such as images, description and product attributes required by

Luckily you can use your WooCommerce store – to save you some extra time in this process – with the content connection functionality within our WooCommerce plugin.

Since the explanation of the content part is a User Guide on itself, please check how to send content from WooCommerce to here.

I want to edit the content of an existing product and/or EAN code

Does the product already exists on, but want to change it a bit to make it more attractive for potential sellers? You can also apply changes to the content, which should be approved by the team of

In general this process works the same for existing products as for new products. Except that existing products have existing content, which should be overridden by yours. Let’s walk through the steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard

  2. Go to Products > Select the product you would like to edit the content for

  3. Go to Bulk actions > Select “ upload content

  4. Next, go to > Settings > Content Connection > Upload content.

  5. Click Manage content below the product you would like to edit, apply your changes and click Save content.

  6. You will land back on the Upload content landingspage. Select the product and click the button Upload content.

It can take up to 5 business days for to approve your changes. We don’t receive a notification if the change is approved or not, so please keep an eye on the product content yourself via the website of

Complete orders automatically

Every order will be imported in WooCommerce. To complete a order, you must share the Track & Trace code with Most of the time, the Track & Trace code is generated by a third-party and place in the WooCommerce order. However, in the basic this isn’t automatically connected to unless you have set it up yourself via the settings of our plugin.

At this moment our plugin can automate the order process with the following shipping plugins:

Connect shipping carriers

To be able to automate the entire shipping process from WooCommerce to, you should start with connecting the shipping carriers available in WooCommerce to the ones in

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard

  2. Go to > Settings > Shipping Connector

  3. Select the Shipping Service you are using

  4. Select the trigger when an shipment should be registered at

  5. Go to the tab of the Shipping Service you configured

  6. Connect the shipping carriers of the third-party to the shipping carriers of

Make sure the Register shipment trigger is also configured in the third-party plugin settings. Check the ideal settings for every third-party shipment plugin.



During each process it is possible that you will get errors. Luckily for every error there is a solution. Check our list of errors to solve them yourself, without the support of our specialists.


Clear cache

In some cases cache can block seeing actual differences in your shop. Therefore it can be useful to clear the cache. In this case the clear cache functionality is solely applicable on everything related to our WooCommerce plugins.

Clear background processes

It might happen that processes get stuck (e.g. a product status is stuck in Processing…). In that case we advise to clear the background process, which will result in a reset of those stuck products. After that, you can try to update them again.


Events explains the cron jobs that are running for all processes done by this plugin (e.g. import orders) and its schedule, including the last execution. This can be useful to see if a process actually ran.

API requests

Publishing or updating a product is an API request. You can see the status of such an action in the column, in the WooCommerce product overview. However, maybe you’re curious about the progress of multiple products. In that case you can consult this page and see the actual API requests in the queue.


All (error) logs related to our plugins. In this way a developer can debug when an error occurs.

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