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Getting started with our plugins
Getting started with our plugins
Woosa Server RecommendationsTo make sure your website and synchronisation keep performing we have set up some Server Recommendations.
Start with Woosa pluginsLet's explain how Woosa plugins work and where you can find what.
Download and Install Woosa pluginsOur software requires an active Woosa subscription. After that login to your Woosa account to select, download and install the plugin.
Checklist for the New CustomersBefore you start with one of our plugins, check out our walkthrough for New Customers. Then you're certain that you don't miss a thing.
Activating your Woosa license keyTo find your license key login to your Woosa account and go to Manage plan > Your Downloads.

How to update the cURL version?If you have an outdated cURL version, you may get a notification in the backend of WooCommerce. The cURL version is defined at the server level, or in other words…
How do I fix the WooCommerce 520 errorError 520 is a message received from the server indicating that the response sent to the server is delivered as an invalid HTTP response.
How do I solve the cURL 35 errorCurl often uses a different set of certificates. When you receive a cURL 35 error this could be a problem with your PHP or cURL version.
How do I solve a 524 timeout error?You can do 2 things to fix the 524 error: Optimize your WordPress installation or Increase the Max Execution time. Read more in this article
How to solve the 502 bad gateway errorThis error means that the server received an invalid response from an incoming server. In this article we will explain how to solve it!
How do I solve a 504 gateway timeout?A 504 Gateway Timeout Error means your web server didn’t receive a timely response when it attempted to load one of your pages.
How to update the PHP version?The PHP version can be updated by your hosting provider. The upgrade process is a simple one and will not affect your website.
How do I solve the cURL 52 error?You as a client should not troubleshoot this error message on your side, this should be done on the side of the hosting.
How to solve a cURL timeout connection?In most cases, the problem is related to the server. It is actually never caused by a plugin or theme in WordPress.
How to setup a CRON jobWhen your website doesn’t get enough visits, the background processes don’t run properly. A fix for this is to set up a CRON job.
Why does our plugin(s) log WooCommerce logs?WooCommerce logs will also be displayed in the plugin logs, I’ll explain in this article why this happens!
How to increase the upload_max_filesize?You can increase the upload_max_filesize in the .htaccess, php.ini, wp-config, and function.php files. Read the article to learn how.
Install a WordPress plugin via the FTP serverYou can install the plugin via the FTP server, the downloaded ZIP file will need to be unzipped first and then uploaded to your server.
How can I update a Woosa plugin?If you have a Woosa plugin installed, you can check if there is an update available for your plugin.
How do I add a new user to WordPress?By giving us access to your WordPress backend, we can investigate problems and solve them immediately. Let's see how you grand us access.
How to increase the WP_MEMORY_LIMITHaving enough (working) memory is important for your WordPress website. If you have not enough memory your site will slow down.
How do you increase the PHP time limit?When a script reaches the maximum execution time limit, it results in a error. There are a number of ways to resolve this error:
Which IPs need to be whitelistedTo be sure our Dropshipping plugins aren't blocked by a firewall, we have a list of which IPs need to be whitelisted.
Do I need a license for my staging website?